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One of the leading companies in importing food products in general and cheeses in particular, from reputable international sources, characterized by high quality and specifications.

The company was founded in Baghdad in 2022 and started its operations throughout Iraq. Since then, the company’s activities have been steadily growing.


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About Virgilio

Origin: Located beneath the Po Valley in northern Italy, Virgilio represents a guarantee of quality for dairy products with unique characteristics shaped by both the geographical environment and the significant human factor.

On one hand, the geographical environment, including the air, water, and the area’s formation, along with a range of natural factors, contribute to the distinct flavor and taste differentiation. On the other hand, our human heritage is obtained through knowledge of processing methods dating back centuries.

Production: Milk serves as a unique and fundamental element. This ancient art, embodying a history of a thousand years, is based on rituals that remain true. Milk is poured from the morning and evening of the previous day into typical copper cauldrons shaped like a bell.

About 550 liters of milk are needed for each form of Parmesan cheese. The milk coagulates slowly and naturally, thanks to the addition of rennet and whey rich in natural lactic fermentation from previous cheeses.

The curd breaks up due to the skillful craftsmanship of the cheesemaker into small granules, using an ancient tool called a “spino”. However, it is the heat at a temperature of 55 degrees Celsius that causes the cheese granules to settle at the bottom, forming a single mass. After 50 minutes, the cheesemaker extracts the cheese mass, begins to cut it into two parts, and wraps it with a piece of cloth made of typical natural fibers. The cheese is shaped in this manner and placed in a mold that gives it its final shape.

About Ardine

Established in 2018, we have set high standards with traditional methods in our factory, which spans an area of 2700 square meters, for the production of Halloumi cheese. One of the most important export items to Cyprus. Our journey began with the aim of blending modern production processes with the ancient traditions of Halloumi production. We offer a wide range of products to our customers with the vision of “Halloumi, as it used to be”.

About Captein

Over the years, Captein has become a key player in the world of cheese and butter. With a rich history, our cheese and butter products have been packaged in the Netherlands since 1936! With over 75 years of experience, our family-owned company has evolved into a continuously growing national and international enterprise.

How We Operate We take pride in being a family-owned company at Captein! Sound judgment, honesty, and openness are important pillars of our business model. Working together, we strive to achieve optimal performance in the long term.

About Saputo

Saputo produces, markets, and distributes a wide range of high-quality dairy products, including cheese, liquid milk, long-life milk, cream products, and dairy ingredients.

Saputo is one of the top ten dairy processors in the world and is the largest cheese manufacturer and milk and cream processor in Canada, as well as the largest dairy processor in Australia and the second-largest dairy plant in Argentina.

In the United States, Saputo ranks among the top three cheese producers and is one of the largest dairy product manufacturers and suppliers. Our products are sold in numerous outlets under well-known brand names.

About Canadian Pride

Canadian Pride is a Canadian-based trade organization exclusively operating in the food sector, striving to provide the highest and best quality of food products to consumers worldwide.

Canola oil under the Canadian brand is processed and packaged by one of the leading Canadian food industry pioneers, under the most stringent quality tests. Our factory is equipped with state-of-the-art technology, and the oil is tested and certified by the Canadian government food agency. The packaging is filled and sealed in Canada and opened only by you to ensure its purity and freshness. We want you to be a part of a healthy family!

We will continue to meet high standards that exceed our customers’ expectations.

About Marit

Before we embark on our journey, let’s talk about the unique beauty of Şanlıurfa and its historical composition. Southeast Anatolia is one of the most important centers for livestock breeding and feeding. It has been home to many different civilizations throughout history, including the Sumerians, Assyrians, Commagene, Seljuks, and the Ottoman Empires in this region. Cities like Göbeklitepe, Balıklıgöl, Zeugma, Dara Ancient, and Mount Nemrut are evidence of this historical richness of the area.

Our journey begins!

Life starts with the sunrise at Marit Farm, which is the largest livestock farm in Turkey, established on an open field spanning 740,000 square meters in Şanlıurfa. Our primary mission each day is to control the feed and water for our animals. Every day, the health, digestion, and welfare of the animals are monitored by our veterinarians.

We Value Nature

We care about nature as much as we care about our production. To create a sustainable environment, recycling is essential in every aspect of our lives.

We prevent energy waste and environmental pollution thanks to a waste analysis method we use to determine the amount of feed and rations for the animals. We strive for zero waste by composting straw and natural manure in our facilities to convert waste.

The fertilization process used in agriculture and animal husbandry improves the physical, chemical, and biological structure of the soil. This method enables us to coexist peacefully with our surrounding environment.

So what happens on this farm?

Thanks to this farm, we not only benefit ourselves and our animals, but through our contracted agricultural practices, we contribute to the region’s economy by using forage plants cultivated by our local residents. For the comfort and health of our animals, we regularly adhere to veterinary regulations and ensure they are fed with natural feed in their natural environment.

We care for the animals’ comfort for their happiness and keep them away from stress. You may wonder, “Stress?” Yes, animals can experience stress too.

Well, what are the things that can cause stress?

Weather conditions, hunger, and cohabitation of animals from different herds are some of the major stressors.

Therefore, by providing a natural living environment for our livestock, we meet their needs by scratching their bodies and rubbing them with a special brush suitable for their length and weight.

Or do you think animals never scratch their bodies? Yes, scratching soothes the animals, makes them cleaner, and prevents stress by increasing their welfare.

At the second stop on our journey

Did you know that animals from the same herd and weight must live together? At our farm, we pay great attention to this issue in the pastures and prioritize the happiness of our animals.

We seem to hear you asking, “What precautions do you take?” We provide large spaces for our animals. We ensure that water troughs are always full to protect them from dehydration, and we use nutritious and natural feed recommended by our agricultural engineers. As we closely monitor the animals’ process to reach the ideal weight, we are always gentle with them.

Animals that have reached the required weight are slaughtered by the Islamic method under the supervision of a veterinarian. The slaughter meats are prepared to be processed at the Marit production facility through our special refrigerated vehicles, which maintain the freshness of the first day. The secret to the unique taste of Marit lies in every stage of this journey.

High Technology in Marit Production Facility

Our facility is designed with a structure that complies with European standards.

There are specific temperature ranges required for meat to maintain its freshness and quality. The meats from Şanlıurfa farm are stored in cold stores with an ambient temperature of up to +2 degrees Celsius. For health and quality, the temperature is constantly balanced at +8 degrees Celsius in all production areas.

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